The Kick-off Meeting, February 13-14 2017, University of Santiago De Compostela (Spain)


The kick-off meeting within the framework of UNISON “University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-off Companies” project implementation within ERASMUS+ program was held on February 13-14 in University of Santiago De Compostela (Spain).

The wider objective of the project is to promote Bologna Process implementation through enhancing university-enterprise cooperating via spin-off companies best practices as learned from the European experience.

During the project implementation the following specific objectives are to be satisfied:

  • Development of effective SOC-Model for university-enterprise partnership
  • Piloting SOC-Model in HEIs of China, RF and Georgia.
  • Creating of virtual international spin-off network.

Best practices for innovations of small business enterprises at the site of higher educational institutions were submitted by the German, Portuguese, Spanish representatives of the partner universities within the framework of the kick-off meeting.

The Russian, Georgian and Chinese participants defined their universities as the unique platforms for sustainable development of an particular region.

Outcome of the event is the adoption of the three-year road map for the project implementation. The partner universities approved the distribution of liability and project management functional responsibilities and endorsed the plan of the future mobility.


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