Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography(MIIGAiK) is one the oldest institutions of higher education in the field of geodesy and cartography. In spite of its age our University is in the permanent process of development and adaptation to the demands of modern society.
The principal objectives of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography are the following ones:
– to train specialists of high qualification, to have fundamental theoretical knowledge, practical skills in their specialty and be well informed of the most recent science and technology achievements;
– to carry out, together with training, fundamental research and applied scientific studies, to participate in working out and developing special purpose international projects of Russian and international organizations;
– to provide researchers, instructors and specialists with postgraduate training as well as additional retraining and courses for improving qualification.
MIIGAiK team in UNISON project
phone: +7 499 2673554
Nadezda Kamynina
Dr. Nadezda Kamynina is a Rector of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography. Mrs. Kamynina represents Russia in the Bologna Process and acts as a secretary of the Bologna Process Group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. She is also a certified Higher education reform expert of the Russian Federation and a leader of the regional HEREs’ team.
For the last 15 years Mrs. Kamynina has been actively promoting international cooperation in education participating in the initiatives of the European Commission (Tempus, Erasmus+) and international programs of the European universities (e.g. Visby program). Mrs. Kamynina has impressive knowledge and experience in international project management. She managed as a grantholder of the TEMPUS project “Independent Quality Assurance model for degree programmes in Russia” (530838-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RU-TEMPUS-SMGR).
Inna Ponomareva
Mrs. Inna Ponomareva is a Head of International Academic Cooperation Office. She has a large experience in administration of Tempus and Erasmus+ projects, such as “Elaboration of Qualification Framework for Land Management Studies at Russian Universities” (530690-TEMPUS–1–2012–1–PL-TEMPUS- SMHES), “Independent Quality Assurance model for degree programmes in Russia” (530838-TEMPUS-1- 2012-1- RU-TEMPUS- SMGR); On-line Quality Assurance of Study Programmes; (543727-TEMPUS- 1-2013- 1-IT- TEMPUS-SMGR); Developing Intra- and Entrepreneurial Competences through Entrepreneurship Education and Start-up Consultancy” (BUSEEG-RU-UA) (544202-TEMPUS- 1-2013- 1-AT- TEMPUS-JPHES); Validation of non-formal/informal learning in Russian Higher Education; (544405-TEMPUS-1- 2013-1- AT-TEMPUS- SMHES); «Establishment of Centers for Competence and Employability Development» (561603-EPP- 1-2015- 1-DE- EPPK2-CBHE- GP); «Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development» (574056-EPP- 1-2016- PL-EPPKA2- CBHE-SP); «Piloting ECVET to the national VET system of Russia and Uzbekistan» (574097-EPP- 1-2016- 1-CY- EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and etc.
Olga Valueva
Mrs. Olga Valueva is an Advisor of Vice-Rector for International Affairs and a leading expert on international academic programmes at MIIGAiK. She has a large experience in management of several Tempus and Erasmus+ projects as well as numerous national and local projects supported by the Russian Government and the Moscow City Government. She also has 9-years’ experience in managing other international projects in the sphere of law, public policy and legal education outside MIIGAiK, as well as the impressive experience as an interpreter and managing editor.