Information and counselling training on EU spin-off best practices within ERASMUS+ programme project UNISON (University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-Off Companies Network) was held at Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal) on 5-7 July 2017. Among the participants were members of the Consortium from Portugal, Georgia, China and Russia. Representatives of the leading
Representatives of the South Russian universities and enterprises, chiefs of business media and business analyst identified major trends influencing the development of productive sector and higher education system as well as optimal algorithm of interaction between them up to 2035 at the foresight-session “University-Enterprise Models of Cooperation: effective tools to
Monitoring of Erasmus + project “University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-off Companies Network” (Unison) was held on May 30, 2017 at Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics. It was carried out by A. Muraveva, Deputy National Coordinator of Erasmus + office in the Russian Federation. The prime objectives of the monitoring were to
The kick-off meeting within the framework of UNISON “University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-off Companies” project implementation within ERASMUS+ program was held on February 13-14 in University of Santiago De Compostela (Spain). The wider objective of the project is to promote Bologna Process implementation through enhancing university-enterprise cooperating via spin-off companies best
January 25-26, 2017 representatives of Santiago de Compostela University (coordinator of ERASMUS + program project UNISON) and Don State Technical University participated in the information and consulting workshop held by EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) at Management Center Europe in Brussels (Belgium). The two-day training was addressed to