Erasmus + Unison project Monitoring at Perm State University


Monitoring of Erasmus + project “University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-off Companies Network” (Unison) was held on March 25, 2019 at Perm State University.

Monitoring was carried out by Anna Muraveva, Deputy National Coordinator of Erasmus + office in the Russian Federation. Perm State University team was presented by Natalya Dobrynina, UNISON project local coordinator.

Main objectives of the monitoring were to assess implementation, to receive the information on project achievements and to get acquainted with the project environment in a large context. The participants discussed key aspects of the project realization, current project results and achievements at the partner institutions.

A.Muraveva evaluated the project realization at PSU according to the following criteria: relevance and design quality of the application, effectiveness of implementation, impact of the project, potential contribution and sustainable development

Along with the monitoring ERASMUS + programs information session was held to present the EASMUS+ program opportunities for PSU students and staff.

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