Training within UNISON project was held at Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal)


Information and counselling training on EU spin-off best practices within ERASMUS+ programme project UNISON (University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-Off Companies Network) was held at Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal) on 5-7 July 2017.

Among the participants were members of the Consortium from Portugal, Georgia, China and Russia. Representatives of the leading Portuguese universities such as Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Institute Pedro Nunes, University of Aveiro and business community were invited to participate in the workshop as speakers.

Three-day workshop focused on implementation, promotion and support of spin-off companies and survey of methodologies and policies existing in this regard.

The main purpose of spin-off companies is to convert university research findings into industrial technologies, subsequent promotion of these technologies on the market and encouraging financial environment for spin-off development.

During the workshop representatives of Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra and Institute Pedro Nunes shared their experiences in spin-off companies implementation. Trainings on spin-off entrepreneurship (Manuel Luís Au-yong Oliveira, University of Aveiro), valorisation of knowledge and innovation (Francisca Eiriz, Institute Pedro Nunes), venture capital and the support for the development of university spin-offs (Walter Palma, Investment Director at Caixa Capital) took place either.

The workshop participants discussed tasks of Work Package 1, plan for development and approval SOC-models. They also visited BIOCANT Park (Biotechnology Innovation Center, Cantanhede), Institute Pedro Nunes where they examined in detail issues concerning innovations promotion and technology transfer, establishing the lines between the scientific and technological environment and the production sector.


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