On October 17-21, 2017 an international seminar was held on the campus of the University of Applied Sciences (Berlin, Germany) in the framework of the UNISON project of the Erasmus+ program, dedicated to the University-Enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network. During the week, the seminar participants visited the largest business incubators in Berlin, including the Adlershof Technology Center and the Berlin Startup Project Incubator, and got acquainted with the mechanisms of interaction between startup projects and foundations implementing entrepreneurship support programs in Germany using the example of specific startup companies (SOLAGA UG, Smarterials Technology GmbH).
At this meeting Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian from the University of Applied Sciences spoke on measures taken in Germany in order to support and develop innovative entrepreneurship, promote new technologies and contribute to progress in science absorbing industry. Daniel John, Project Manager of Research Center Jülich GmbH presented his report on spin-off models of university innovative companies’ organization, advantages of their application and prospects of their establishment in HEIs. Participants also discussed problems with the adaptation of spin-off models to different institutional and cultural contexts.
By joint efforts, consortium members from Europe, Georgia, China and Russia together with representatives of business community developed a model for spin-off projects implementation.
HEIs will be able to intensify their research activity and commercialize the results of this activity by means of implementation of innovative companies spin-off models.
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