Erasmus + Unison project Monitoring at Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics


Monitoring of Erasmus + project “University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-off Companies Network” (Unison) was held on May 30, 2017 at Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics.

It was carried out by A. Muraveva, Deputy National Coordinator of Erasmus + office in the Russian Federation.

The prime objectives of the monitoring were to assess implementation, to receive the information on project achievements, to familiarize with project is environment in large context. Among the monitoring participants there were E.Vasileva, I.Golovtseva (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics), I. Maevskaya (Don State Technical University).

The participants presented project dissemination strategy and communication plan, as well as quality assurance criteria of work packages. I. Maevskaya, Head of International Education office demonstrated trial version of Unison website.

A.Muraveva evaluated the project based on the following criteria: relevance and design quality of the application, effectiveness of implementation, impact of the project, potential contribution and sustainable development. The final outcomes of the monitoring will be announced by EACEA in July 2017. Project realization path is to be adjusted on the basis of these EACEA comments and recommendations.   


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