Bologna Club

The first and the only Bologna Club in Russia takes the initiative to disseminate and promote the ideas of the Bologna process in Russian educational community.

Bologna Club is the open association of Russian universities, voluntarily take upon themselves the obligation and responsibility of the reforming of Russian Higher Education system, finding effective ways of rapprochement of national educational systems and the creation of a single educational space, which meets the European trend to build a knowledge-based society.

The purpose of the Bologna club is intensification of cooperation and the establishment of network between universities and their partners to develop a national policy in the sphere of higher education and creation of the effective support mechanism of dynamic and full of Russia’s entry into the education community in Europe.

The main principles of cooperation between members and partners are to increase the quality and competitiveness of Russian higher education in the world, enhanced international cooperation and academic mobility (possibility for the student to study in different European universities), the distribution of two-level system of education (bachelor, master), and also the decision of the important and urgent issues as the recognition of Russian diplomas abroad.

Bologna Club team in UNISON project


PhD, associate professor
Position: President of  Bologna Club
phone: +78632738406
fax: +78632738744




  • President of Bologna Club;
  • Bologna and Higher Education Reform Expert;
  • Official representative in RF for the International company of universities relationships “ALEXNOVA-ICUR” (Madrid, Spain);
  • Manager and Steering committee member of Tempus projects IQA, E3M and Tuning Russia;
  • Certified participant of OECD’s international assessment of higher education learning outcomes;
  • Certified honored scientist of Russia.


  • 42 articles and conference reports in Russian and English published;
  • 12 textbooks and study brochures published.
  • Research work in the field of HEIs internationalization, business-oriented and in-company education, students’ mobility and cross-cultural communication in terms of global labour market, the main trends of international education and professional competences and capacities development. 


PhD, associate professor
Position: Director of  Bologna Club
E-mail address:
telephone: +78632738744
fax: +78632738744





  • Certified participant of OECD’s international assessment of higher education learning outcomes;
  • Certified honored scientist of Russia.
  • Successfully participated in the number of EC workshops on Tuning and LO methodology.
  • Work group coordinator in TEMPUS projects IQA, E3M and TUNING RUSSIA.
  • Certified expert of the programme “Basic principles of tutoring in distance education” organized by the IITE UNESCO


  • 27 articles and conference reports in Russian and English published;
  • 10 textbooks and study brochures published.
  • Research work in the field of increasing students’ professional mobility in terms of global labour market changes and flexibility, main trends of knowledge society development, international education and professional competences development.