
SOC News
Perm State University, 20th march 2019
There are several functioning SOCs at Perm State University, created in the framework of the university. The goal of the SOCs is to introduce the results of the intellectual activity of the international research scientists’ team of PSU.
More detailed information http://www.psu.ru/universitetskaya-zhizn/biznes-inkubator/mozgovo-mipy-i-migi
Perm State University, 20th March 2019
Innovative research is carried out at Perm State University in 17 out of 34 asserted priority directions of scientific research of Russian science.
More detailed information http://www.psu.ru/universitetskaya-zhizn/biznes-inkubator/molodezhnye-startapy
Perm State University, 20th March 2019
Several youth startups were developed and piloted in the framework of Perm State University business incubator.
More detailed information http://www.psu.ru/universitetskaya-zhizn/biznes-inkubator/molodezhnye-startapy
Don State Technical University, 8th February 2019
In 2018 the balancing machines and tools developer exported nearly $200,000 worth of equipment to the CIS countries as well as to the EU.
More detailed information https://donstu.ru/news/nauka/maloe-innovatsionnoe-predpriyatie-dgtu-ooo-enset-narashchivaet-proizvodstvennye-moshchnosti-v-donsko
Don State Technical University, 9th November 2018
Don engineers are developing a technology for creating bioactive carcasses – scaffolds – for the purpose of cultivating durable implants from live cells. This innovation will be widely used in regenerative medicine as well as in research activities directed at developing revolutionary methods of restoring damaged bone tissues.
More detailed information https://donstu.ru/news/nauka/v-dgtu-razrabatyvayut-tekhnologiyu-dlya-regeneratsii-povrezhdennykh-kostnykh-tkaney
Don State Technical University, 22nd October 2018
The Eco Grow facility for cultivating wheat is designed for production of healthy nutrition products. The device designed by the residents of DSTU industrial coworking “Garaж” creates optimal microclimate for fast growth of ecologically clean wheat.
More detailed information https://donstu.ru/news/nauka/rezidenty-garazha-skonstruirovali-ustanovku-dlya-prorashchivaniya-ekologicheski-chistoy-pshenitsy-
Don State Technical University, 11th October, 2018
Industrial coworking residents of “Garaж” DSTU are developing an automated high quality leaf tea making machine.
More detailed information https://donstu.ru/news/nauka/donskie-izobretateli-razrabatyvayut-vendingovyy-apparat-dlya-zavarivaniya-listovogo-chaya
Don State Technical University, 1st October, 2018
Innovations manager and chief executive officer of Italynnova company Eddy Fabbro made a working visit to spin-off companies of DSTU, experimental laboratory “Electronic technologies,” laboratories of biochemical and spectral analysis of food products, robotics resources center, centers of excellence and industrial coworking “Garaж”.
More detailed information https://donstu.ru/news/nauka/predstavitel-kompanii-italynnova-vysoko-otsenil-razrabotki-dgtu
Don State Technical University, 27th September 2018
A tactile hearing aid project designed for completely deaf people was submitted at a competitive exhibition of inventors “Donskaya sborka 2018”. The tactile hearing aid is a development of a DSTU 3-d year undergraduate student, Ilya Korenets. The innovation has successfully passed initial trials.
More detailed information https://donstu.ru/news/nauka/v-dgtu-razrabatyvayut-slukhovoy-apparat-dlya-lyudey-polnostyu-lishennykh-slukha
Don State Technical University, 25th September 2018
DSTU research team and “Skolkovo” Innovation Center Development Fund residents are working on a steam generator of a new generation, which is able to produce from 100 kg up to 1500 kg of steam per hour. The uniqueness of such electronic equipment is in the fact that it produces steam using the most efficient method of energy conversion – induction.
More detailed information https://donstu.ru/news/nauka/donskie-uchenye-razrabatyvayut-innovatsionnyy-parogenerator-novogo-pokoleniya