- Spin-Off Experts Training, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands, Germany, October 17-19, 2017
- Steffen Terberl. The Spin-Off situation in Berlin: models, examples and methods
- Hamid Doost Mohammadian. Spin-offs in Germany
- Gunnar Schulze. Startup Incubator experience
- Workshop on EU Spin-Off Best Practices, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 27 – 29, 2017
- Luis Villaverde Acuña. USC Model of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
- Diego Suárez Pousa. Common Mistakes in The Spin-Off Creation Process
- Aizhan Samambayeva. AYeconomics is a spin-off of the USC (Technology transfer: Spacial planning of public services)
- Fernando R. Pardo Seco. Intellectual Property, What Everyone Should Know
- Alberto Rodríguez Calvo. How to Develop a Successful MIT Program at Your University
- The Value of Research
- Annual Report (2016)
- Venture Capital Investor
- Detailed Budget
- Detailed project description
- Grant Agreement
- Guidelines for the use of the grant ERASMUS+
- UNISON Action plan
- UNISON e-form
- UNISON Steering committee Regulation
- UNISON travel schedule
- UNISON workpackages responsibilities
- Communication Plan Unison
- Reporting
- Interim Report
- EACEA Interim Report Assessment
- Skype Meeting, June 15, 2017
- Skype Meeting, November 3, 2017
- Skype Meeting, May 7, 2018
- Monitoring meeting at Perm State University, March 25, 2019
- QAT representatives
- Quality Plan(draft)
- Quality Plan(final)
- Internal evaluation questionnaire March 2016-October 2017
- Internal Interim report March 2016-October 2017
- Report on quality assurance
- Internal Evaluation Questionnaire_Nov.2017-April 2018
- Training Evaluation Form for participants (Date: 27-29 November 2017)
- Metodological Evaluation Questionnaire_Nov.2017-April 2018
- Internal Evaluation Questionnaire (May 2018 -April 2019)
- Annual Quality Assurance Report (Draft 05.06.2019)
- Flyer
- Posters
- Dissemination reports 1st period (15.10.2016-30.05.2017)
- Bologna club
- Ludong University
- TeSaU
- Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- Yantai High-tech Industrial Development Zone
- Dissemination Reports_2nd period (01.06.17-31.05.18)
- Bologna club
- TeSaU
- NVSU (eng)
- NVSU (ru)
- Yantai High-tech Industrial Development Zone
- Dissemination Reports_3d period (01.06.2018 – 31.12.2018 )
- Dissemination Reports_4th period (01.01.2019 – 15.10.2019 )
- Partners dissemination materials
- USC- article in INNOVASPAIN web journal (link)
- USC- article in elCorreoGallego web journal (link)
- USC – article in GCIENCIA web journal
- Dissemination workshop, Coimbra 5-7 July 2017
- IPC interproject dissemination
- IPC UNISON poster
- IPC article in Diario de Coimbra web journal
- The 3d International Scientific Conference. Collected Papers. Part I. SPBSUE, 2019 (ru)
- SPBSUE Experience of training specialists on the base of project education (ru)
- SPBSUE at the XI St. Petersburg International Innovation forum
Bologna club